Posts Tagged ‘bite’

She did what?

I went for a pedicure today. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t do that stuff. For a few reasons including my cheapness, lack of funds, and a really severe case of ticklishness.
Anyway. On my way home I texted. No answer. Called husbands’ cell. No answer. Called the house. Breathless “hello?”. I start to worry, in the nanoseconds following about possible reasons for not answering, and why he would sound so out of sorts. Is someone hurt? Did the stairs racing finally end in split lips and broken skulls??? How long will it take me to get there at my current speed? What if I go 20km/hr faster? Why hadn’t I just stayed home??
After those three nanoseconds go by, I hear it. The reason for his delay. The cause of all this ruckus.
she bit her brother. My sweet, innocent, loving baby girl, took a decent chunk out of my baby boys already very lean back.
I can’t stop laughing!!!!!!
It’s a wildly inappropriate reaction to her brother not giving up the beloved toy she wanted, and was appropriately disciplined, but it’s just too funny!
The poor boy doesn’t have enough fat on him to spare any for her semi-cannibal personality.
She will be three next month. We call her Denis the menace in a dress. But she’s ramping it up. I’m a little scared. Perhaps it’s time for those dog suits. 😉