Listening skills

Part of the deal with my new medicine is that it not only makes you nauseous and tired, it takes six weeks to feel any mood changes. While I am sure they know what they are talking about, and I’m definitely no happier than I was last week, my tired/sick zombie like trance I’ve been living in has cut down on the yelling.
But it has also made very clear that I’m not the only yeller. Dad does too, obviously to a much lesser extent than bat-shit crazy ol me, but we are repeating our parents patterns and dictating. And yelling. And the kicker is he is ALWAYS telling me that I’m doing something wrong. All I can think of (and giggle about) is MY HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN!!!! (Yes I’m lame. I know.)
Anyway. A perk to being tired and sick, is that I don’t have any desire to create conflict. So I brought up the yelling, told him to quit it, and he said sorry and I said I understood his frustration. Hey! Breakthrough! Communication is absolutely broken in our house, and this was one small step. Yay!!!
Now-back to TLC and all that wonderful screwed up drama.
Night folks

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